
How is Periodontal Disease Treated?

Treatment methods depend upon the type of disease and how far the condition has progressed.  Once your periodontal health has been evaluated, your periodontist will work with you to determine the treatment options that are the best to control your disease and bring you back to health.

Depending on how far the diseases have progressed, treatment can vary widely.  If caught in the early stages, simple procedures are done that will remove the plaque and calculus from below the gumline and eliminate the infection-causing bacteria.  If these diseases have advanced to the point where the periodontal pockets are deep and the supporting bone is lost, further pocket reduction treatments may be necessary.


Our goal with treatment is to return you to good oral health
and then help you maintain it.


Benefits of Periodontal Treatment include fresh breath, a more youthful appearance, the ability to chew your food more easily and, most importantly, healthy gums that are free form infection.

Many patients are referred to periodontists by their general dentist.  Some people are referred to us by patients of ours, however you do not need a referral to see Dr. Budd.  If you notice any of the following signs or symptoms, consult your dentist immediately.

  1. Red, Bleeding Gums

  2. Receding Gums

  3. Loose Teeth

  4. Bad Breath

  5. Swelling of the Gums

  6. Pain or Soreness of the Jaws