
What is a Periodontist?

Periodontal Disease

A Periodontist is a dental specialist, certified by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario who is an expert in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the gums and supporting teeth.  A periodontist offers surgical and non-surgical treatment, as well as periodontal cosmetic and re-constructive surgery.  Periodontists are also trained in the planning, placement, and maintenance of dental implants. Periodontists receive extensive training in these areas including three additional years of University education beyond dental school.

During a periodontal examination, a small measuring probe is gently placed between the tooth and gum to assess your periodontal health.  Current x-rays are also viewed to observe the health and status of the bone below the gums. 

Aside from treating periodontal diseases, there are other reasons to visit a periodontist.  If you are missing one or more teeth, and are considering dental implants, Dr. Budd will help you create a treatment plan to improve your smile through various cosmetic and periodontal plastic surgical techniques.

Why Should I See A Periodontist?

More than likely, your periodontal disease has progressed to the point that a specialist, like Dr. Budd, should treat you.  Dr. Budd has received extensive training, including additional years of education after becoming a general dentist.  During this time he learned the very latest techniques for diagnosing and treating periodontal diseases and gained a detailed scientific background on all aspects of the disease. 

Dr. Budd continues to take educational courses to stay abreast of the latest techniques in dentistry, dental implants and periodontal treatments.  Because of the in depth training mentioned above, Dr. Budd possesses the skills to diagnose and treat all of your periodontal needs.

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